5 Things the Internet Can Save You Money On

by Darwin on January 19, 2012

This is a guest post by comparethemarket.com:

If you are like so many other people today, you have made the decision to be more proactive with your finances. One of the best ways you can really take control of your finances is to reduce spending. This is easier said than done, though, as there are some things that you need to have in your life and others that you just don’t want to give up on. The good news is that the internet is a valuable resource that you can put to use to save money on a regular basis. Here are five things the internet can help you save money on:

1. Insurance. Insurance is one of the major expenses in a person’s budget today, and this includes the cost of life, health, auto, and property or renter’s insurance. Insurance companies regularly adjust their rates, and so it does pay to shop for new coverage on a regular basis. You will find that most companies offer online quote requests that you can use to generate fast and easy quotes. By making a regular habit of shopping for new coverage every six to twelve months, you can save yourself hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the course of a year.
2. Credit Cards. These are a vice you likely wish you didn’t have, but the fact is that most people do use credit cards regularly, and many carry outstanding balances that are not paid off each month. You can use the interest to compare the best credit card deals available. When you compare the best credit card deals, you are looking for the lowest interest rate as well as the lowest fees, as these costs add up significantly over time. Just watch out for those special offers that hook you with a low up-front interest rate and then quickly adjust the rate higher.
3. Food. Between groceries and dining out, food is a major budget item, too. The internet is filled with resources that you can put to use to help you save money on your food bill. Consider using online coupon sites for both restaurants and groceries. Search restaurant menus to check out prices before you walk in the door. Get recipes for budget-minded meals and snacks for your family. Most people have room to shave off a large chunk of money from their budget by making adjustments to how they eat at home and at restaurants.
4. Gas. For many people, the gas bill for fueling a car or cars is a major expense as well. Depending where you live, what kind of car you drive, and what the ever-fluctuating current gas prices are today, you may be paying between $60 and $100 each time you fill up your tank. The internet can be used to help you locate a gas station close to you that has the lowest price on gas, to find a carpool buddy, and to provide you with tips on fuel efficiency such as driving with your windows up.
5. Utilities. In most areas, you are permitted to choose which utility companies you use for certain items like electricity and even gas. Certainly you have control over your cable or satellite provider and phone company, too. You can use comparison websites to shop for the lowest rates in your area with ease. You may find that devoting a few hours to research in this area can help you to save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

krantcents January 20, 2012 at 12:16 pm

The individual in these situations is equally important. You can make a difference in every instance. I use less utitlities than my friends or neighbors because I consciously do things to lower my bill. I replaced my light bulbs with CFLs and watch my usage as much as I can. You can impact all the other expenses as well.


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