
Now I Know Where I Stand Financially. Wow.

September 20, 2012

One of my old favorite economics blogs Political Calculations has a neat tool that allows you to plug in your personal and family income and it spits out where you stand in relation to your fellow Americans. I put in my numbers for both my routine W-2 income and then the total family income by […]

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The 401(k) is a Beautiful Thing So Stop Bashing It

September 17, 2012

After the so-called “lost decade” and the Financial crash of 2008-2009, many people derided the 401(k) as a scammy money-grubbing employer tool that leaves employees ill-prepared for retirement. A “201(k)” became the running joke due to the losses we saw a few years back (which have since been regained and then some). Over the years, […]

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How to Use Not-for-Profits to Land a Killer Job

August 21, 2012

Charities probably won’t make you rich any time soon. Sure, John Seffrin, the CEO of the American Cancer Society certainly isn’t hurting with his $2.2 million salary. But for us average people, charities are just a way to give back. Or are they? Opportunity in Giving I don’t mean to remove the good from a […]

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See How Much I Save Each Year Working From Home Just 1 Day per Week

August 15, 2012

A lot of people blog about how much their job stinks.  Mine’s not bad.  I’m grateful to be gainfully employed and while my job is full of challenges and frustrating situations here and there (and I’m taking negative real wage increases for life), I’ve stayed in the same role for a couple years now because […]

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Are Tattoos the Worst Investment Ever?

July 23, 2012

Maybe it’s because I’ve hit that age – people do dumb things following their 21st birthdays. Or maybe it’s just college. At any rate, I’ve started to notice more ink. Tons and tons of ink. Recent outrage from Bill O’Reilly’s assertion that people could, you know, actually regret getting a tattoo reminded me of just […]

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Real Unemployment Rate Explained

July 11, 2012

You’ll often hear about a horrible jobs number and then get an update that the jobless rate hasn’t budged, or in some cases, actually improved.  How can this be?  Well, because the “official” government reported figure grossly underestimates those out of the workforce because it simply stops counting people in the denominator who have given […]

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