
Supreme Court: No Overtime for Pharma Sales Reps. WHAAAAAAH.

June 27, 2012

Do you know the annoying, pushy people that try to jump ahead of you in the doctor’s office when you’re there for a real reason? like a health issue? Yeah, those people. In between buying lunch for the doctors and schmoozing the receptionists, apparently, a few sales reps found time to conjure up a lawsuit that they […]

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Biggest Lie of 2012: “High Tech Worker Shortage” is a Myth

May 30, 2012

I usually voice my support for business issues and call BS on pandering politicians shaking down businesses for more tax money, regulations and general class warfare.  However, I’ve also got to call BS when I see it when the mainstream media keeps purporting that businesses just can’t get enough high skilled workers to run their […]

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Please, DON’T Buy Company Stock in Your 401(k)

May 22, 2012

A news item caught my eye today.  Yet again, employees are suing their own company (JP Morgan) for allowing them to buy company stock in their 401(k) plan while allegedly hiding known financial risks.  This lawsuit is just plain silly, a by-product of the litigious nation we live in.  Aside from the fact that their […]

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My Electrician Makes More Than a Doctor

May 20, 2012

Boy, that’s the fastest $2800 I ever spent!  Ever since my wife and I decided we weren’t moving last year, we took inventory of all the stuff we wanted to do to the house to make it worth staying (I’m still convinced in the end if I drop another $50K into this house over the […]

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Overweight Fitness Gurus, Broke Financial Advisors – Hypocrites or It Doesn’t Matter?

April 23, 2012

Does it matter if the professional you’re paying talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk?  Sometimes when I’m at my gym, I take a look at the clients taking private lessons with a fitness trainer who would probably be classified as obese based on commonly accepted criteria.  On one hand, I sometimes wonder if […]

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Job Description Shenanigans: Dream Job or Cubicle Cave Dweller?

March 4, 2012

Everyone has experienced a real job salesman.  Whether it’s a recruiter, a friend, or a manager at a particular company, someone packages up a job to make it something it’s really not. In my short life I’ve already had quite a few of these, ranging from total scheme to decent wage-earner job status.  High school […]

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