
Insider Trading Should Be Legal? Debunked

November 27, 2012

In what may be one of the dumbest articles to grace the front page of CNBC’s website, a so-called author Carol Roth advocates for the legalization of insider trading.  This piece of excrement was published here, but within, you’ll find a point by point rebuttal of this screed.  Here’s a sneak peak “what I am […]

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Generator Ethics (and costs) Following Hurricane Sandy

November 5, 2012

What is your moral obligation to lend out your generator when others lose power and how far out of your way do you go to do so?  That’s a topic I’ve been thinking about now that we’ve had a series of really bad storms over the years where we’ve lost power for a day or […]

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How Obamacare is Costing My “Middle-Class” Family More in 2013

October 15, 2012

Obama’s medical insurance legislation that was first billed as not being a “tax” (hilarious given the number of “fees” and “surcharges” it levies; even the Supreme Court could not pass up the opportunity to classify it as such), and also claimed that the plan would be “revenue neutral” (which it clearly won’t be if you […]

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Americans Subsidize the World’s Medical Costs – Fair?

October 14, 2012

The United States has the most expensive health care in the world. In 2010, the combined cost of public and private spending on medical care came to $8,233 per person in the United States. Putting the high price of medical spending in terms of GDP gives a true comparison. In the United States, 18.2% of […]

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State Sends Illegal Immigrants Packing. And Nobody Wants the Jobs [Law of Unintended Consequences]

October 8, 2012

In yet another case of the law of unintended consequences (which virtually anyone could have predicted), Alabama’s HB56 law was meant to drive illegals out of the state to purportedly “free up jobs” for native Alabamians.  Well, guess how that worked out?  They don’t want the damn jobs.  See, it’s too easy to live off […]

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Does This Piss You Off? We Pay Unemployment for Seasonal Workers Repeating the Same Pattern EVERY Year

October 7, 2012

I’ve had it.  This weekend was another case of my hearing  about someone openly bragging about how they work for a season and then collect unemployment during the off-season, you know, because they were “laid off”.  This really just pisses me off.  I mean, not the people so much, because this is the scam our […]

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