
Are Tattoos the Worst Investment Ever?

July 23, 2012

Maybe it’s because I’ve hit that age – people do dumb things following their 21st birthdays. Or maybe it’s just college. At any rate, I’ve started to notice more ink. Tons and tons of ink. Recent outrage from Bill O’Reilly’s assertion that people could, you know, actually regret getting a tattoo reminded me of just […]

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Supreme Court: No Overtime for Pharma Sales Reps. WHAAAAAAH.

June 27, 2012

Do you know the annoying, pushy people that try to jump ahead of you in the doctor’s office when you’re there for a real reason? like a health issue? Yeah, those people. In between buying lunch for the doctors and schmoozing the receptionists, apparently, a few sales reps found time to conjure up a lawsuit that they […]

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Biggest Lie of 2012: “High Tech Worker Shortage” is a Myth

May 30, 2012

I usually voice my support for business issues and call BS on pandering politicians shaking down businesses for more tax money, regulations and general class warfare.  However, I’ve also got to call BS when I see it when the mainstream media keeps purporting that businesses just can’t get enough high skilled workers to run their […]

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How Much Would it Take For You to Renounce Your Citizenship?

May 16, 2012

There’s nothing like being an American, right?  I mean, we’re only 5% of the population and enjoy 25% of the world’s GDP (while consuming 25% of the world’s energy of course).  That aside, in general, you don’t see people from around the world flocking to any country but America.  We have a vibrant job market […]

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How Deadbeats Screw the Paying Timeshare Owners

May 7, 2012

TIMBER!!! The timeshare market has really had a falling out – the resale value on a typical timeshare is falling faster than the value of a new car. Thousands of timeshares are for sale at $1 or less! This isn’t Detroit, either; we’re talking about timeshares in some of the most popular tourist destinations in […]

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Is Shark Tank a Scam? I’m Starting to Wonder

May 2, 2012

I first tuned into Shark Tank at the end of last season and it instantly become one of my favorite shows.  I loved the business ideas, the pitches, and of course, the wheeling and dealing from “the Sharks”.  It was both entertaining and somewhat educational from a business savvy standpoint.  However, as the episodes progressed […]

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