
Senate Rejects Buffett Rule – Fighting Stupidity with Logic

April 16, 2012

Politicians do a lot of stupid things, but this “Buffett Rule” proposed by the administration practically takes the cake.  The measure, named after Warren Buffett for his observation that his effective tax rate was lower than that of his secretary, went to the Senate for vote today and flopped with a 51-45 tally, which shows […]

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Think About High Switching Costs (or How to Sell Dialup Internet in 2012)

April 15, 2012

Investors looking for companies that offer long-term outperformance want what Warren Buffett describes as a moat, a defining characteristic that defends it from the competition. Some industries are not very conducive to building a differentiated brand. Where a business cannot stand out to attract customers, it might as well make it hard for customers to […]

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Acceptance of Evolution and Wealth – Interesting Correlation…

April 9, 2012

Tonight, I’m hitting you with a quick one since we spent the entire weekend driving and I spent my Sunday night fighting stupid Windows problems to get a wireless connection (even though this laptop has accessed the same router for a year with no problems – and my iphone/ipad connected just fine tonight; love Microsoft…).  […]

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Apple-Bashing: Since When Is a 60 Hour Work-Week Abusive?

March 29, 2012

This isn’t an Apple Fanboy defending the great father from criticism. This is just a reality check – a 60 hour workweek is not a big deal and it annoys me to no end that the mainstream media latches on to a theme to try and make a story where one shouldn’t exist.  When I […]

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What’s Your REAL Inflation Rate? Everyday Price Index

March 21, 2012

By now, you’ve probably heard enough complaints about the cost of living going up while the contrived government index (CPI) shows virtually no inflation.  Well, the American Institute for Economic Research has put out an everyday price index to gauge the inflation Americans are really seeing in their everyday lives.  High level findings show that while, yes, […]

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The Tax Lie Politicians Love

March 18, 2012

Taxes are good for us, they say. Taxes help pay for the roads, the bridges, and the fire departments across the nation. More recently, taxes have become a way to protect us from ourselves. Higher taxes push us away from all those horrible behaviors that society simply should not have to deal with. Taxes are […]

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