
The Worst Article EVER – Why Apple Stock Is Better Investment Than a House

March 6, 2012

While the mainstream media never passes an opportunity to peddle the most vapid stupidity capable of snagging a click, this one takes that cake. CNBC had on their front page an article touting why you would have been better off investing in Apple stock compared to buying a home 10 years ago. Aside from the […]

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Apple is the World’s Whipping Boy for Worker Conditions, Jobs, Profits – Fair?

March 5, 2012

You know, back in the day, Americans used to celebrate successful people and companies. Today, we vilify them. I don’t know if this is a new manifestation of Obama’s “hate the rich, hate the successful, spread the wealth” mantra or it’s just a sign ‘o the times, but when even the beloved Apple (who even […]

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Diversification Requirements: Why Mutual Funds Lose to the Market

February 26, 2012

It is commonly said that mutual fund managers can beat the market in one year, and maybe even two years. Over the long haul, however, any given mutual fund manager is certain to lose to the market, due to the higher-cost fee structure common with most mutual funds. Other perspectives argue that mutual fund managers […]

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6 Reasons Learning a Foreign Language Is Completely Useless

February 22, 2012

When I was in middle school, I had the choice of learning French, Spanish or Latin. I didn’t have a particular interest in learning a foreign language, and had never left the country or had any international exposure to speak of. In my rather naive and simple estimation of my options, I understood that the […]

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Gas Prices Rising in Summer – It’s a Lie. [CHART]

February 20, 2012

The mainstream media loves a headline, especially one with a purported “expert” touting $6 gas prices by the summer time (last year’s $6 prediction, this year’s $6 call “by Spring!”) to get you to “stay tuned” across a commercial break or click their link. Writers and anchors, the sheep they are, always repeat the common […]

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Confidence is Great, Right? Nope, It’ll Wreck Your Life

January 24, 2012

We’re all taught to be confident from childhood.  You know, those confidence boosters like getting a trophy no matter where you placed, parents telling you that you can do anything in life and so on.  On some level, having confidence in yourself and what you can achieve does allow you to think big, stretch your […]

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