
Stop Whining About Gas Prices. Seriously

April 24, 2011

If I see one more jackass complain about spending $100 to fill a gas tank I’m gonna go medieval. Here’s why: We pay less for gas than most humans – Sure, some OPEC countries subsidize their gasoline even more than we do.  But, well, they live in pretty horrid conditions and we’re seeing how that […]

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And The Most Capitalistic Country on Earth IS…. (not America)

April 6, 2011

The Economist had a nice chart out today with the poll results for countries most in favor of capitalism.  It would have been interesting to contrast these results from the same poll 20 years ago, but alas, the data is from 2010 only.  Take a look, digest, and then my thoughts below. Germany – It […]

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Smokers and Obese to Pay More for Healthcare – Fair? Sound Off

April 3, 2011

Last week, a controversial proposal was put forth by the governor of Arizona looking to recoup some of their Medicare program costs.  In essence, smokers and the obese will pay a $50 annual fee; diabetics that don’t improve their health could face a similar penalty.  For some reason, this only appears to affect childless people […]

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Elasticity of Demand – MBA Mondays with Darwin

January 3, 2011

Elasticity of Demand is more than just nerdy economics jargon.  There are some real-life applications and examples of price elasticity of demand that are worth learning about so you can be a better informed consumer, and in some cases, business owner.  So, we’ll cover this concept in this week’s edition of MBA Mondays where I […]

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Do the Debt Doomsayers Actually WANT the US To Fail?

November 28, 2010

No, they’re trying to get your attention.  Today, Ireland agreed to an EU/IMF bailout package that has essentially subjected every family in Ireland to a generation of debt slavery.  The sad part is, there was no simple solution.  Some would say the Irish should have just defaulted on their debt, letting the banks the public […]

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How Inflation Screws the Poor the Most

November 17, 2010

With all this talk of inflation on the horizon while the US and Europe embark on bailouts and print money like it’s goin’ outta’ style, it’s instructive to evaluate what the impact of hyperinflation would be on you, the people you know, and the country at large.  Without expounding on historical interest rates, the correlation […]

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