Kids and Money

REPORT: $222,360 to Raise a Kid in America – NONSENSE!

June 16, 2010

The USDA has released their annual report on how much it costs to raise a child in America that was born in 2009. As a pleasant surprise, the average has only risen about 1% from last year’s report, but the number is staggering nonetheless, especially in single-earner situations with multiple kids. Some high points of […]

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Is Private School Worth It? It Depends…

June 2, 2010

Where I grew up, everyone pretty much went to the township public school – at least everyone I knew. Occasionally, a new kid would enter our class in 6th grade or 9th grade after having spent the prior years at a private school.  Based on my anecdotal recollection, there didn’t seem to be a correlation […]

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