
No COLA for Social Security in 2011: Here’s Why

October 11, 2010

No COLA for Social Security in 2011 is the headline, then there’s the back story.  First off, COLA is the “cost of living adjustment” that recipients generally expect from their Social Security benefits.  Most years, there’s an increase, since inflation tends to increase enough each year to justify said increase.  However, when inflation, as measured […]

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401(k) Hardship Withdrawals Spiking – Rules and Alternatives

August 20, 2010

401(k) Hardship Withdrawals are spiking, according to Fidelity, one of the nation’s largest retirement account administrators.  According to their report, the number of such transactions is at a 10 year high.  While alarming, this should not come as a surprise as a confluence of factors have contributed to a lack of options for people – […]

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Social Security Retirement Age Increasing to 70? Probably

July 13, 2010

It’s looking as though the push to increase the Social Security Retirement Age to 70 is gaining some traction.  With all the other news items of late, this initiative has drawn scant attention.  However, for anyone following the solvency (or lack thereof) of the Social Security system, it’s been evident for decades now that something […]

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New Teachers and Graduates out of Work to Fund Obscene Pensions

May 23, 2010

There were two articles in the New York Times that had some related themes if you connect the dots.  Primarily, the themes focused around the total lack of employment prospects for teachers entering the workforce this year and likely for years to come (Teachers Facing Weakest Market in Years) and the second article involved the […]

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