
The Worst Article EVER – Why Apple Stock Is Better Investment Than a House

March 6, 2012

While the mainstream media never passes an opportunity to peddle the most vapid stupidity capable of snagging a click, this one takes that cake. CNBC had on their front page an article touting why you would have been better off investing in Apple stock compared to buying a home 10 years ago. Aside from the […]

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Diversification Requirements: Why Mutual Funds Lose to the Market

February 26, 2012

It is commonly said that mutual fund managers can beat the market in one year, and maybe even two years. Over the long haul, however, any given mutual fund manager is certain to lose to the market, due to the higher-cost fee structure common with most mutual funds. Other perspectives argue that mutual fund managers […]

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Diversification Strategies for Better Bond Upside

February 5, 2012

Fixed-income investments like bonds may have beaten equities (stocks) over the past 30 years, but there are few analysts who would expect the same performance over the next 30 years. Fixed-income investors benefited from perennially falling interest rates, which send bond values higher as interest rates drop (read more on bond strategies and how they […]

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Your President Is Lying About a “Strong Dollar Policy” – Why Dollar Weakness Matters

January 31, 2012

I couldn’t help but notice today that Pfizer started the trend we’ll see from every multinational today blaming lower 2012 forecasts on a stronger dollar (CNBC).  Pfizer has lowered their revenue projections by a full $200 Million.  Two Hundred Million Dollars!  … due to a stronger dollar.  And that’s just one company.  A strengthening dollar […]

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Beware: Investing Newsletters Tend to Be Scammy, Lying, Useless Money Pits

January 22, 2012

Let’s imagine the easiest way to make a bunch of money for providing virtually no actual value, having very little accountability, and having the capability to scale your scam as much as you could ever imagine.  Here are a few common “business ventures” that come to mind: a) Virtually any of the top selling affiliate […]

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If Stock Trading is Addictive, Options are CRACK

December 7, 2011

Is it possible to be a stock market addict?  Well, if you are a believer in the numerous other addictions in the American lexicon of late, ranging from sex addiction to internet addiction, then, you’d be hardpressed to say the euphoria and withdrawal associated with stock trading isn’t an addiction for many.  Like drugs and […]

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