Changes to the Law Regarding No Win No Fee

by Darwin on January 27, 2013

There have been some changes and amendments to the law regarding no win no fee solicitors in recent years. In particular, there are new changes being introduced in April 2013 that govern how medical negligence claims are dealt with. The no win no fee industry has been investigated over the years and governing bodies, consumer champions, and other groups have looked for ways in which to improve the mechanics of the whole situation.

 Solicitor Fees

Generally, solicitors take a fee according to the time that they work on a case. They will also pass on the charge of any disbursements, which are unavoidable legal costs that may be required when gathering evidence for your case. Under normal circumstances these would be paid by the losing party in the case and, if you lose the case then this means that you may be expected to make the payment.


Who Pays Costs 

With a No Win No Fee service it means that if you win the case then the opposing party will usually pay your solicitor costs. If you lose, then you do not have to pay the costs yourself although you may still be liable to pay the costs of the opposition solicitor and any disbursements. A reputable and reliable no win no fee solicitor will arrange for an “After the Events” insurance policy to cover you for these charges.

 What Your Solicitor Can Charge

A solicitor is entitled to charge for their time and also a fee if they successfully fight your case, called a success fee. If they do win your case then this charge will usually be passed straight to the opposite party who will be expected to pay this fee in full at the conclusion of the case but this can be avoided.

 No Win No Fee Solicitor Services

No win no fee solicitor services were popularised with the increased popularity of personal injury and personal accident cases. As more and more people sought compensation following injuries and personal accidents, solicitors turned to this model of offering their services in order to be able to attract greater interest from potential clients and for a variety of different cases.

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